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Description Bad Boys for Life is a movie starring Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, and Vanessa Hudgens. Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett must face off against a mother-and-son pair of drug lords who wreak vengeful havoc on their city genre Thriller Bilall Fallah, Adil El Arbi Year 2020 Ratings 7,7 of 10 Country Mexico





Bad Boys bad boys what you gonna do, what you gonna do when we come for you, tak i tsek, chaka nike naka nekey. ???? Damn! LSS on this last part of the movie ????????.


It"s unfair for black actors to remake their old movie because they don"t age! it"s like they"re doing sequel after 1-2 years from 1st bad boys! hahah.
18:20 I heard like 3 memes there.
I"m so glad that I didn"t watch this trailer before seeing the movie.

Damn, I didn"t notice all those celebrity cameos back in the day. And how the neighbors were low key freaking out about having black neighbors. Where"s the new Pitch Meeting.


Cavs new intro. Martin Lawrence is more funny than will smith in whole series. Just watched it, pleasantly surprised definitely worth the watch ??. All the veterans Tom, Will, and Christian back to looking as fine as ever??????. Im going to predict movies for 2022 Terminator 9 Ghostbusters 4 Jumanji 3 Titantic the prequel Female rambo Marvel plastic man Star wars chewbacca the formative years The love boat the movie. Who here because of the post Brady posted ????. Excited to see this movie ?? just wanted to say love you and respect you. My boyfriend and I are constantly watching fresh prince every week and watching your content. Would love to meet you one day ??. Its age restricted. Cory Dunson the spect for you man that stunt was terrifying and end up looking terrific. Great Job man.

Thanks for talking through the only trailer I came to see. Martin and Tim should do another nothing to lose 2 as well. I liked that partnership too. You made a person out of another person. Then you sent me to kill"im Dude, Someone got paid to write that. LMAO. Ive never been in the helicopter and I still havent ??????????????. Am I the only one who noticed that Will Smith"s gun"s changed during shots. Whats going on with Martins jawline. Lemme guess: Tom Cruise flew his own jet planes this time.

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  • Release Year 1994
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  • Robert Zemeckis
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  1. Tom Hiddleston
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I admit it, I"m not exactly a Thor fan. I think the first two Thor feature films were passable efforts but paled in comparison to other heroes outings. For this reason I went in expecting a whole lot of meh!
Now Ragnarok was critically acclaimed, I never heard a bad thing about it despite the fact that I wasn"t blown away by the trailer at all.
So with a new Thor outing, sprinkles of Planet Hulk and more humour than usual (Especially from Thor) how"d I think it did?
From the opening moments with Thor swinging from a chain awkwardly rotating as he"s trying to have a conversation I was gripped. This wasn"t the dull boring stoic Thor we"d grown to accept, this guy was cracking of the wise and I was laughing by buttocks off.
Cate Blanchett delivers as Hela like I never expected she"d manage, Jeff Goldblum is excellent in a role he felt almost born for and the entire thing is one joke filled roller coaster ride that I enjoyed considerably more than I expected to.
Did all the comedy diminish the impact of the Marvel Universe? Oddly not, it fit in perfectly even when a serious moment was underlined with a goofy slapstick laugh.
Kudos to Marvel once again, so far out of every single MCU movie I"ve only disliked 2 and for a harsh critic like me that"s really something.
So much fun, so many laughs and has freshened up a character that in this guys opinion was getting a bit stale. Damn good job.
The Good:
Cast do a great job
Genuinely funny stuff
The Bad:
Could have done more with the Planet Hulk story arc
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
This is where Hulk and Thor were during Civil War. br> Immigrant Song just makes any scene better
It"s probably best Jaimie Alexander (Lady Sif) couldn"t be part of the film
Hulk talking is weird, confusing and please make it stop.

OK, the action wasn"t as asskicking everything getting obliterated, drama that the others were but was was there was done well, was more comic style over the top like it would be if you were reading the comic.
The visuals were clean and colorfull and the acting across the board was fantastic, not one of them was a let down.
But the biggest win was it was nonstop one liners from start to finish and they all worked, i"m sure when they were filming they woulda had to do countless takes to get around the cast pissing themselves with laughter, i found myself laughing for most of the movie,
It was an enjoyable 2hrs and 15mins.
One little mini spoiler tho it has nothing to do with actuall story, if you haven"t seen it don"t stop watching until all the credits are done, in typical marvel there is tie ins to the next movie at the very end of the credits but also during the credits there is another few scenes with Jeff Goldblums character which is another LOL moment.
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Jason Lei Howden brief=Guns Akimbo is a movie starring Samara Weaving, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rhys Darby. A guy relies on his newly-acquired gladiator skills to save his ex-girlfriend from kidnappers Creators=Jason Lei Howden tomatometer=6,4 / 10 star Country=UK Rating=19587 Votes





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They made a movie that you din"t need to have to rack your brain on, very fun to watch, everything was cheesy and it was for a reason, its a movie that knows what it wants to be, very fun watch, I really hope they make the next one, it feels like a mix of Kick-Ass and something I can"t really put my finger on.
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I am pretty sure that if Daniel Radcliffe was not in the movie, nobody would watch this garbage, because honestly the rest of the cast is formed by semi-unknown actors, that I have never seen on my life. I have to say that I was very disappointed to see such an actor, waste his talent for a film like this one.
There are for sure way better action movie out there, with even better stories, photography and editing. Frankly I highly suggest to avoid this dumb movie, it is not worth your time.

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release Date - 1972
2 h 55M
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Star - Marlon Brando
Brief - The Godfather "Don" Vito Corleone is the head of the Corleone mafia family in New York. He is at the event of his daughter"s wedding. Michael, Vito"s youngest son and a decorated WW II Marine is also present at the wedding. Michael seems to be uninterested in being a part of the family business. Vito is a powerful man, and is kind to all those who give him respect but is ruthless against those who do not. But when a powerful and treacherous rival wants to sell drugs and needs the Don"s influence for the same, Vito refuses to do it. What follows is a clash between Vito"s fading old values and the new ways which may cause Michael to do the thing he was most reluctant in doing and wage a mob war against all the other mafia families which could tear the Corleone family apart

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